Getting Back Into The Swing of Things

Are you having a hard time getting back in to work mode after the long holiday weekend? Still day-dreaming about pumpkin pie and plates of stuffing? Well, you are not alone. We all struggle with getting back into the swing of things and getting our heads out of relaxation mode and back in to work. It's never an easy task to go back to work after a long break, whether that be a holiday, vacation, or just a long weekend. Here ar
e some tips to help you ease into the transition:

Take time to unpack when you get home. Whether you are traveling far distances or just fifteen minutes down the road, give yourself an adequate amount of time to unpack and get settled back into your home. Maybe consider coming home from your break on a Saturday instead of a Sunday. This will make it a lot easier to get back into your routine.

Pace yourself and your workload. Don't take on a million projects and meetings at work the first day back from a break. Take some time to settle back in. Postpone meetings until later in the week, break down your projects into smaller tasks, and overall give yourself a lighter and more achievable workload.

Stay positive. Accept the fact that you are no longer on break. It is going to be hard and you might be a little sad but remember your goals and remain positive. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to take breaks and vacations. Also, be grateful that you have a job to come back too.

Let the creativity flow. Breaks can stimulate your mind and readjust your focus. Take advantage of this and come up with new ideas and goals, implement them into your work.

Plan your next vacation. Nothing helps you get over the end of a break or vacation more than planning your next vacation. You're not going to go on vacation immediately, but maybe in the spring or summer. Having a break too long forward to will give you a sense of relief and motivate you to actually work harder. It doesn't need to be a luxurious trip to the tropics it can simply be a visit to your parent's house.

Try to finish work and other projects before you leave. This is a tip for any of your upcoming breaks. You know when your next break will be, plan to get your work and projects done in advance. This will make your vacation more enjoyable and also the transition back to work easier. You won't have any obligations hanging over your head while you're trying to relax and you won't be stressing out your first day back at work.


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