Increase Your Productivity

Procrastination is poison in the workplace. Your tasks hang over you and feel like a massive burden. The best way to avoid the burden is to be productive. There are several ways that you can increase production in the workplace and also carry that through to your everyday life.

1. Track and Limit Your Time on Tasks 
Figure out how long it will take you to complete a task and then set a deadline for when it needs to get finished. For example, you need to write out an agenda for the upcoming meeting. You know it will take about an hour, so give yourself that hour, no more and no less. 

2. Turn Off Notifications
Nothing is more distracting than a buzzing cell-phone. No matter how much self-control you think you have, you are bound to check your phone. Social media, calls, texts, and emails are constant distractions keeping us from our work. Put your phone on airplane mode and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Once you finish, you can reward yourself with some time on your phone. 

3. Excercise 
Working out has been shown to increase productivity. Schedule a couple times a week to exercise, by doing this you can sweat out some stress and clear your head. It will make it easier to refocus on your tasks and start fresh. 

4. Take Breaks 
No one can stay focused on work 24/7. We all need a break to help us improve concentration. If we constantly work on tasks, our performance actually tends to decline. Remain at a constant performance level by taking a 5, 10, or 15-minute break every couple of hours. 

5. Create An Aesthetically Pleasing Workspace 
Flowers, plants, pictures, candles, and other decors can actually increase your happiness and are shown to make people 15% more productive. You should also clean up any clutter that may distract you. Decorate and rearrange your workspace in a way that makes you want to get work done.

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