5 Ways to De-Stress

Stress is one of the most common negative externalities that people in the workforce face on a daily basis. It can have harmful long-term effects on the body such as anxiety, heart disease, irregular sleep patterns, etc. The key to avoiding chronic stress is to create healthy habits to manage stress and relax at the end of a long day. Here are some great ways to move past stress and not let it stop you from achieving your goals.

1. Breathing exercises can help slow down your heart rate so it doesn't feel like your heart is thumping out of your chest when facing a stressful situation. A simple  breathing exercise to try is to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth for five seconds each. Doing this a few times a day will increase focus and create a feeling of calmness.

2. Unplugging from social media. Research has proven that constantly checking your phone and social media can be linked to increasing stress levels. Try to get off technology for at least an hour a day and you could be surprised at how de-stressed you feel.

3. Sleeping more has also been shown to help people handle stressful situations better. Getting 6-8 hours of QUALITY sleep per night is essential to feeling your best, both mentally and physically.

4. Exercising is also crucial to maintaining good mental and physical health. Exercise reduces stress hormones and increases endorphins (chemicals in the brain that are natural pain killers). Working out will also help improve your physical self-image, renewing your sense of self-confidence and overall energy.

5. Keeping a journal. Writing about stressful situations in your life is another great way to de-stress while improving mental and psychological health. Journaling about stressful events and anxiety can help your mind process what happened and let it go or help you learn from it. 


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