New Years Resolution Ideas For A Better You

Do you want to be more productive and make the most of every day? Do you want to be more creative at work? Do you want to feel good inside and out? There are several doable new years resolutions that can help you be productive, creative, and feel great about yourself! Take note and write down the resolutions you want for 2018 from the list below:

1. Go to bed earlier. To feel great every day, you need great sleep. Sleeping has many health benefits for your heart, body, and mind. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also boost your memory skills.

2. Get creative. Buy an adult coloring book or do that DIY project you have eyed up several times on Pinterest. Letting your creative juices flow can reduce anxiety and also bring about mindfulness.

3. Spend time outside. Being in nature can lower levels of stress and anxiety. It also can reduce symptoms of depression. It has physical health benefits as well such as lowering blood pressure and boosting your immune system.

4. Start saving money. Everyone needs an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses. A car might break down or you might lose your job. You need a little spare cash to stay on your feet in these situations. You also need to save for future purchases. For every major milestone in life, comes a major expense.

5. Volunteer. Volunteering not only benefits the community and those you help, but it also benefits you, as a volunteer. Volunteering has been shown to lower blood pressure and even help you to live longer.

6. Make meaningful connections. Keep people in your life who support you and encourage you to be the best you can be. People who don't have meaningful connections in their life are lonely which has a negative impact on mental and physical health.

7. Read a book. Reading can improve your writing skills, knowledge, cognitive functions, memory, and concentration. Reading fiction can also help you to improve your people skills and relate to others better.

8. Get Vaccinated. Avoid diseases and other complications that can set you back in life. A couple hundred years ago people didn't have the option of vaccinations and thousands of people passed away. Don't take any risks, take an hour out of your day to see your doctor. You will rest easier once you do.

You don't have to limit yourself to just one, two, or three resolutions either. All of these resolutions are achievable in a year. Make 2018 your best year yet!


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