National Walking Day

April is national "Move More" month according to the American Heart Association and April 4th, is National Walking Day. You can celebrate the day by going for a hike, walking your dog, or taking an after-dinner stroll. The American Heart Association believes if "you move more, you live more."
If you only have a few free minutes today, get outside, move around. A short walk is better than no walk. Even a ten-minute walk has several rewarding benefits including: 
  1. Promoting Heart Health.
  2. Improving Brain Function.
  3. Easing Depression.
  4. Improving Bone Health.
  5. Burning Calories.
  6. Breathing Easier.
  7. Improving Mindfulness.
American Heart Association will be hosting a special event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Research Park in Wauwatosa, today. There will be food trucks, festivities, and heart-healthy information. If you are in the area, you should definitely stop by and celebrate National Walking Day.

If you aren't feeling the cold weather, you can bring the walk indoors. Take a stroll through Milwaukee's downtown skywalk. Map below:

      (Journal Sentinel)

Avampato, C. (n.d.). 10 Surprising Benefits Of: A 10 Minute Walk. Retrieved April 04, 2018, from


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