Meet the Interns

My name is Amanda Miller and I am incredibly excited to be a part of the RoCoco family as a social media and recruiting intern! I thoroughly enjoyed my challenging but rewarding freshman year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but I am thrilled to be back in Milwaukee for the summer, being that I grew up the Milwaukee area my whole life. Being involved in DECA throughout high school and having joined a professional business fraternity in my first semester on campus, I feel like I am ready to put my knowledge of marketing to use at RoCoco. I can't wait to help run social media, write blog posts, and assist in finding new talent to make RoCoco even better. This is my first professional business opportunity, so I also look forward to learning about how a business operates from an insider's perspective. Although I am excited to start working, in my free-time I love to be outdoors, discover new music, and binge-watch my newest Netflix obsession, White Collar. I can already tell that I will learn a lot about the business world and myself throughout this internship, and I look forward for what is in store for the coming months!

My name is Lili Jaeger and I am starting my first internship as RoCoco's other social media and HR intern! I am from Minnetonka, Minnesota, and this will be my first summer in Milwaukee. I just wrapped up my sophomore year at Marquette University as an Advertising major with a Psychology minor. Although I love Marquette, I will be graduating a year early, finishing in the spring of 2019. I am thrilled to be joining the RoCoco team and am looking forward to the friendships, skills, and connections that I hope to build here. I am very interested in how social media is shaping modern day marketing and advertising and hope to make my own contributions to this development. This is my first "real world" job and I am eager to see where my skills can be applied and improved in a professional setting. I am a hardcore dog lover and foodie, and I can be easily bribed with both. I can't wait to see where the summer and this opportunity will take me!


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