Full-Time Student AND Working?? Send Help!

Working and a full-time student? So stressed you're pulling your hair out?

If you're in this boat, you're having the same issues as 75% of full-time students. It's very common for students to put as much on their plates as possible - trying to learn as much as possible while trying to make as much money as possible. Filling up every day with constant tasks and obligations can be overwhelming and unhealthy. So how are you supposed to manage everything while giving 100% to both areas?

It is possible to fully commit yourself to both working and school, but you have to prioritize a couple of things. First, you need to make "you" time. Whether it's sitting down and drinking your coffee in the morning for 15 minutes or reading a book before you go to bed, if you don't give yourself time to stop and think, you will end up feeling overstressed and overworked. Also, you're a college student! Make memories with friends. Don't let a hectic schedule keep you from enjoying yourself.

Second, be organized. Keep a planner and write stuff down constantly. Part of being able to give 100% of yourself to school and work is to be so organized that there is no way you could miss assignments or deadlines. Keep folders or binders with important papers separate for work and school. Go over what you need for the day before you leave the house. Better to be over-organized than under-organized.

Lastly, don't over-schedule yourself. Scheduling work in between classes can leave you feeling rushed and unfocused for your classes. Also, give yourself a break and ask off work for finals week. During the most important week of the semester, splitting your time between work and school is a recipe for disaster. School is hard by itself, and working demands your time and attention. Both will suffer if you can't commit fully.

Remember, there are always options. Getting a less stressful job or lowering the number of hours you work can make all the difference in the world. Don't let this time in your life fly past you!

Picture: http://radiatedaily.com/five-ways-reduce-stress/


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