How To Recover From a Setback

We all have set ideal paths for ourselves to reach our future goals. We plan the steps we will take and the goals we need to accomplish, but what we don't plan for are the setbacks. Everyone faces setbacks, they're inevitable. We can't prevent them but we can recover from them. 

First, realize what your setback is and come face to face with it. Try to understand why it happened, when we gain a sense of understanding we approach situations in a more positive way. 

Second, evaluate the setback. Is it permanent? What part of your life will be affected by the setback? Is the setback something you caused? 

Third, be optimistic. Realize that the setback isn't permanent, don't blame yourself, and don't let it take control of your entire life. 

Fourth, take time to cope. Participate in healthy coping mechanisms like exercising or socializing with positive people. Don't cope by sitting on the couch and eating a tub of ice cream, that'll only make you more depressed. Healthy coping will energize you and help you feel a sense of control.

Fifth, learn from the experience. Adjust the way you think. Instead of seeing the setback as a failure, think of it as a lesson learned. What knowledge can you take away from the experience? How can you use the knowledge to better your future? 


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