Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Workplace

Spring is finally in the air. The weather is slowly but surely starting to warm-up. With the new season comes the new opportunity to do a "Spring Clean." There are several benefits to doing a spring clean especially in your workplace, including; increased productivity, improved mood, decreased stress levels, injury and sickness prevention, improved heart health and better breathing. A messy and cluttered desk is no place to get work done. Dirty vents and dusty spaces are only going to increase your risks of illness. Get to spring cleaning today, with these tips:

1. Make a task list. Look around your workplace and determine what needs cleaning and organizing. Make a specific list of the items and the tasks that need to be completed.

2. Take a look at your calendar. Schedule your cleaning for when you have free-time. Decide the best times for each individual task.

3. Finish one task at a time. It's very easy to get distracted while cleaning. We tend to try to multi-task. If you're cleaning your filing cabinet and notice the floor is dirty, don't start sweeping until you finish with the filing cabinet.

4. Clean out your physical office space as well as your digital one. Organize your desk and your desktop. Get rid of any papers, files, and products you don't use. Make organized folders for your desk and also your computer.

5. Clean out your email and social media pages. Delete old emails and make a special folder to organize emails from each sender. Delete old social media messages and content that is no longer useful.

6. Reward yourself. At the end of your spring cleaning, treat yourself to a nice dinner, a long walk, or a night of Netflix. Knowing there is a reward at the end will help you to power through.



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